CLSU-DIT initiates ICT Development Extension Project for Bical Elementary School

The Department of Information Technology (DIT - CLSU) has officially commenced its ICT Development Extension Project, aimed at providing comprehensive ICT support to Bical Elementary School.
Led by Mr. Joey G. Fernando, the project team, including Dr. Khavee Agustus W. Botangen (DIT Head), Mr. Ian Panahon, and Mr. Rodgiel J. Montañez, visited Bical Elementary School in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, on August 8, 2024, to kickstart the project. The activities included the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), a thorough ocular inspection of the school's premises to assess its current ICT infrastructure, and discussions to identify essential ICT services and training to be provided by CLSU. The team also established a schedule for regular extension visits to monitor project progress and address any emerging needs.
This initiative aligns perfectly with the university's extension service mandate, allowing the department to share its knowledge and skills in designing and implementing a robust ICT infrastructure while promoting digital literacy among Bical Elementary School's faculty and students.
Through this project, CLSU takes a significant step towards fostering digital inclusion by equipping the school with the necessary tools and training for effective ICT integration.